Outperform, outproduce, outlast.
CBI machines have been purpose-built to outperform, outproduce, and outlast any machine in the market since 1988. CBI reimagined the value curve by producing the ultimate material processing workhorses for unmatched production. Throughout the years, CBI’s superior and long-lasting equipment has created the most value for owners who are serious about growing their business at the most cost-effective rate.
Horizontal grinders process trees, stumps, logs, and brush into usable, consistent final products, often in one pass. CBI production rates load trucks faster and more efficiently than our competition.
Changing infrastructure activity increases the need to recycle debris, telephone poles, shingles, wast wood, and railroad ties. CBI's overbuilt design is made to standup to the most difficult to recycle and contaminated materials.
Natural materials such as leaves, brush, tress, grass clippings, and green waste are materials now requiring recycling. These materials now be turned into compost, mulch, biofuel, and other valuable products.